At TJX, inclusion and diversity have been an important part of who we are for many years. The value we place on diversity extends across our organization and includes our work to create opportunities for our diverse suppliers.1
Since its inception in 1992, our Supplier Diversity Program has been dedicated to broadening our potential supplier base for acquiring not-for-resale goods and services. Over the years our program has expanded to new regions and helps to provide additional opportunities to businesses owned by minorities, women, veterans, LGBTQ+ individuals, Aboriginal or Indigenous peoples, people with disabilities, and more. Through our work, we aim to create meaningful partnerships, increase opportunities for growth and development for diverse businesses, and help contribute to the economic well-being of our communities.
In recent years, we have worked to grow and evolve the program. Our efforts include:
En Pointe IT Solutions is a women- and minority-owned and -operated organization that partners with TJX to deliver a variety of technology-related services, including everything from evaluating engineering environments to planning and implementing various cloud-based solutions. President Kris Rogers and CEO Fiddy Hakim, two of the leaders that make up En Pointe’s primarily female leadership team, strive to help drive positive change in the industry, with efforts including engaging with local and national diversity council partners.
“It's really inspiring to see the commitment of these councils that are truly looking to make a difference. Some companies are just doing it to check a box; others, including TJX, are really trying to do the right thing,” Rogers said.
To support our mission of providing great value to our customers every day, our suppliers must demonstrate:
We encourage certification with at least one of the following:
We encourage certification with at least one of the following:
All diverse-owned businesses are encouraged to register on our supplier diversity portal. While registering with us does not guarantee a business opportunity, it helps us better understand suppliers’ capabilities and experience. We contact suppliers that meet our criteria if we have an appropriate, matching opportunity to participate in the request for proposal process or ask that suppliers submit requirements for consideration.
To provide goods or services not-for-resale, click here.
To provide goods or services for resale, create a profile and share your products here or contact the appropriate merchandise department at 508-390-1000.
1A business that is at least 51% owned, operated, and controlled by a recognized diverse classification.
Updated May 2024