U.S. Foundation FAQs

How will I know if my nonprofit is eligible to receive a grant?

Please review our Giving Guidelines to determine eligibility.

If my nonprofit meets the eligibility requirements, will we receive a grant?

Due to funding constraints, we cannot guarantee that all nonprofits meeting the eligibility requirements will be funded.

What information should I have available if my nonprofit is invited to apply?

  • Signed and dated W-9
  • IRS Determination Letter

If awarded a grant, are there additional impact reports/documents that will be required?

Grantees may be required to submit additional reporting at the end of the grant cycle. Failure to submit required information will impact future funding.

Do you have a typical grant award range?

We do not have a typical grant award range.

Is there a deadline for submitting proposals?

The Letter of Inquiry portal is open annually from February – October. The TJX Foundation reviews Letters of Inquiry on a rolling basis.

How can I request a gift card donation?

Unfortunately, due to the large volume of requests, we are unable to accommodate requests for gift cards.

How can I request a product donation?

The TJX Foundation is not currently accepting product donation requests.

How do I request event sponsorship?

The TJX Foundation is not currently accepting event sponsorship requests.

Please visit Our U.S. Foundation page for additional information or reach us at tjx_foundation@tjx.com for inquiries about grantmaking. Please note, we will not accept any requests or applications through this inbox. All requests must be submitted via the online application.